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Ichnion is about your personal data and aims to make it easy for everyone to obtain, inspect, analyze and control their personal data.

Digital privacy#

With Ichnion everyone can gain insight in the data that is stored about us, fostering transparency in a digital society.

To help you get a hold of your personal data, we developed a tool called Excavator. Excavator extracts, stores and visualizes your personal data exports.

Installing Excavator#

The easiest way to install Excavator is using a package registry like

$ cargo install excavator

In case you are using MacOS you can also install the package from Homebrew:

$ brew tap ichnion/tap
$ brew install excavator

How to use Excavator#

You need to request and download your personal data first. If you want to know how, read the Get your data section in this manual.

Assuming that you already have your personal data archive available on your computer, running Exxcavator is as easy as

$ excavator read TakeOut

This will recusively find the applicable files from your TakeOut directory and extract the data.

Alternatively you can specify a single file like:

$ excavator read MyActivity.json

The extracted data will be stored into a SQLite database in the current directory.

Last updated on by Gawen Monnot