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Excavator contributing guide

Thank you for your interest in contributing to Excavator! This guide provides an overview of how to contribute to Cargo, how to dive into the code, and how the testing infrastructure works.

Checkout the source#

  1. Fork the ichnion/excavator repository on GitHub to your personal account.
  2. Clone your fork to your local machine using git clone.
  3. Create a new branch and send a Pull Requests against the develop branch.

Running Excavator#

You need to install rustc and cargo for development.

Also prepare a file for parsing the data. If you want to parse Google Takeout data, download from here.

Please check the available files here.

You can pass a directory or a single file for an argument to parse.

$ excavator read TakeOut

Or you can parse the single file

$ excavator read Location History.json
Last updated on by Gawen Monnot